St Mary's CofE Primary School - 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind...Love your neighbour as yourself.' Matthew 22 v37-40

St Mary's CofE Primary School

We love. We learn. We flourish.

Sports Week 2024

Our theme for National School Sports Week 2024 has been 'The Olympic Games'.

The week has been filled with sporting activities for all year groups alongside learning in other curriculum areas linked to France - who are hosting the games this year.


The week started with an opening ceremony and a talk from hurdler Andy Turner.  Year 3 then took part in an active coaching session with him based on his event.


During the week, each class was then immersed in the Olympic games and the country of France through a range of activities:

Geography - The location of France, the continent it is part of and famous physical features.

History - The history of the Ancient and Modern Olympic games.

MFL - Learning some simple phrases in French and how to say the names of sports.

PSHE - Expressing our likes and dislikes in French, looking at the Olympic pledge and the School Games values.

Art - Sketching famous French landmarks.

PE - Completing athletics events, BMX sessions, outdoor adventurous activities, learning about famous Olympians and developing our skills as young leaders.


The week ended with our closing ceremony where each class presented their learning from the week and medals were awarded.


Click on the links below to see further information, photos and videos of our fun.

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