St Mary's CofE Primary School
We love. We learn. We flourish.
School Uniform
Royal blue cardigan, sweatshirt or fleece (with or without logo) | |
White polo shirt | |
Grey school trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts | |
Royal blue and white summer dress | |
Grey socks, white socks, grey or black tights | |
Sensible, flat, black shoes (no trainers or logos) |
Hair should be smart, cut/arranged in a conventional style without streaks, bleaches, colouring and tram-lines. Extremes of hairstyle including “sculptured” hair are not permitted. A water based hair gel is permissible with short hair to give a smart appearance. Other gels are not permitted for reasons of safety. With regard for considerations of health and safety as well as practicality, long hair must be tied back or arranged in a style that achieves the same result. Braids with beading are unsafe. Bobbles and head bands should be in school colours.
The fashion at the moment for the girls is bows. As long as the bow is in school blue, these are acceptable. Examples of acceptable bows are below.
No jewellery, including rings, necklaces and bracelets should ever be worn to school.
We insist that no sleepers or studs should ever be worn at school. Children who wish to have their ears pierced are to have them ‘done’ at the start of the summer holidays so that they will have healed fully by the start of the new Autumn term. No other body piercing is acceptable, whatever the shape or form. No body tattoos (permanent or transfer) should be worn in school.
A wrist watch may be worn from Year Two onwards, but your child must take responsibility for their safe care (no smart watches).
Make up, including nail varnish, lip salves, body sprays, mouth fresheners etc are inappropriate at school.
PE Kit
Children need both an indoor and outdoor kit for PE lessons. These should be brought into school fully labelled in a named bag at the start of each half term. They will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing.
Indoor kit
Plain blue/black shorts
Plain white short-sleeved T-shirt
Outdoor kit (in addition to the above)
Plain blue / black leggings or jogging bottoms
Plain blue / black hoodie (school jumper or cardigan can be used)
Swimming kit
The swimming baths stipulate that boys must wear trunks or shorts that do not go below their knees. Girls must wear a one piece swimming costume (no bikinis) and a swimming cap.
If your child needs to wear googles, a letter must be sent into school stating this.