St Mary's CofE Primary School
We love. We learn. We flourish.
Good attendance at school is vital.
At St Mary's, we expect all children to attend every day as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so.
Each week, we celebrate the class(es) with the highest attendance in our Friday award assembly. We also celebrate 100% attendance for individuals at the end of each term with postcards and a prize draw.
If your child is late, you will need to enter via the office area to log their arrival.
If your child is absent due to illness, you need to let us know at the start of each day that they will be off. A telephone call, letter or personal contact is required. The school monitors all pupils’ attendance and punctuality carefully.
Where possible, appointments should always be made outside of school hours. Children who need to leave the school during the school day for an appointment must be collected from the office area and proof of appointment provided.
Our school day
At St. Mary's, the school gates open at 8:30am. The bell will ring at 8:40am. This is when the doors will open and children will be welcomed into their classrooms. Children arriving after 8:50am will be recorded as late. School finishes at 3:15pm.