St Mary's CofE Primary School - 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind...Love your neighbour as yourself.' Matthew 22 v37-40

St Mary's CofE Primary School

We love. We learn. We flourish.

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Teacher: Mrs Quinn

(Assistant headteacher and KS2 Lead) 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Barratt

(SENDCo support TA) 


Useful information


Homework is set every Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Thursday.  Children also have weekly spellings to practise.  These can be found in the relevant section below.  Homework club will take place every Wednesday in the Year 5 classroom.  Any child in Key Stage 2 can attend to receive support.


PE will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child is equipped with both an indoor and outdoor PE kit.  This includes...  Indoor kit - a plain white t-shirt, plain blue or black shorts and pumps.  Outdoor kit - a plain white t-shirt, plain blue or black leggings / jogging bottoms and trainers.


Swimming lessons will take place every Thursday.  Please ensure children are equipped with a swimming kit: towel, swimming hats (for long hair), one piece costume/ swimming trunks or shorts above the knee and goggles if necessary.


Spelling tests will take place on a Friday.  At the start of each half term, we will email a copy to parents for practising at home.  Children will also practise daily in school.




Our School Council representatives

Spellings - Spring 2

Spellings - Spring 1

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