St Mary's CofE Primary School - 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind...Love your neighbour as yourself.' Matthew 22 v37-40

St Mary's CofE Primary School

We love. We learn. We flourish.


Here is where you will find all of your design technology tasks for the upcoming weeks. The videos don’t have to be followed to the letter and instead, can be used to refer to for ideas.

Have fun and take lots of pictures 😬📸

Spring 2

Week 4

 Week 6 - Make your own Easter bonnet 
Spring 1
Week 6 - Children are to make a den using fabric, such as sheets, cushions, other furniture and anything else that  you think might be useful. Please take pictures of your den. 
Week 2- Children are to design and make their own boat that will float on water. They can use any materials of their choice. Please, if possible, take pictures of the making process and their final boat design and send them to us on Twitter . We would love to see them . There are lots of YouTube videos that can give you some ideas . Happy making. 
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