St Mary's CofE Primary School - 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind...Love your neighbour as yourself.' Matthew 22 v37-40

St Mary's CofE Primary School

We love. We learn. We flourish.

Odd Sock Day 2023

Odd Sock Day in support of Anti-Bullying Week

To help support Anti-Bullying Week 2023, we decided to have our St. Mary's Odd Sock Day on the 17th November 2023. All the children (and staff) came in an odd pair of socks and we had some crazy patterns! This celebrates how we are all different and unique - we are all special in our own way. 


Also, we held a school-wide Odd Sock Day competition, all the children took home a template of blank socks and they had to design them anyway they wanted. We had over 150 entries so our school governor Mrs. Withers had a tough job judging winners. We had a winner from Early Years, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2. Well done to all those who took part! 

Our Competition Winners!

Showing our support of Anti-Bullying Week:

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