St Mary's CofE Primary School - 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind...Love your neighbour as yourself.' Matthew 22 v37-40

St Mary's CofE Primary School

We love. We learn. We flourish.


Simple Print Making

​​​This pathway aims to introduce children to the idea that we can make single or multiple copies of an image through print.


Children explore the materials around them to understand how we can use repetition, pattern, colour, line, shape and texture to make images.  




Printing by making a printing plate out of plastercine


This pathway aims to introduce children to the idea that making a drawing is a physical activity which uses the whole body and connects head, hand and heart. 

In this pathway, we are not working on a final piece. Instead, we are layering the children's experiences. 

Using Molly Haslund as inspiration for our circle art.

We added colour and pattern to our spirals to bring them to life. We used different media such as chalk, pastel and graphite sticks and we experimented with different techniques to make our colours brighter and softer.

Continuous line drawings of our friends ( we had to really focus on their features and we weren't allowed to look at our paper) and then feathers.

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