St Mary's CofE Primary School
We love. We learn. We flourish.
At St Mary's, our Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) is Mrs A Leitch. Our SENDCO support assistant is Mrs P Barratt.
Please contact Mrs Leitch or Mrs Barratt through the school office (0161 370 3948) if you wish to discuss a SEND issue or alternatively they are available on the playground/ at the school gates most mornings and afternoons and are always happy to help.
To see how we identify and meet the needs of SEND children in our school, please read our policy and SEND information report.
There are 4 key areas of SEND. These are :
Social, Emotional and Mental Emotional health
Communication and Interaction
Sensory and/or physical
Cognition and Learning
Please find resources below to support each of these areas.
You can also utilise games you may have at home such as 'Guess Who' that require your child to describe features or give explanations.
The Communication Trust have many links to different resources for parents and offer some free training.
Colourful Semantics also have a wealth of resources for free to support early language and sentence construction
To develop finger flexibility and fine motor skills you could search for 'dough disco' on you tube and join in with the videos.
If you want to work on your child's touch typing skills, you can access games on the following websites:
Dance mat -
Keyboard climber 2 -
Keyman -