St Mary's CofE Primary School
We love. We learn. We flourish.
Welcome to Year 4!
Class teacher - Miss Airey
Teaching assistant - Miss Smith
Useful information
Homework is set every Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Wednesday.
PE lessons take place both inside and outside on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit each week. This includes... Indoor kit - a plain white t-shirt, plain blue or black shorts and pumps. Outdoor kit - a plain white t-shirt, plain blue or black leggings / jogging bottoms and trainers.
Spelling tests will take place on a Friday. At the start of each week, children will receive a spelling list for practising at home. Children will also practise daily in school.
Topics Covered
Year 4 National Times tables check
In June 2020, the new year 4 multiplication tables check will become statutory. Your child will need to take a short online test to make sure their times tables knowledge is at the expected level.
The multiplication tables check is an online test for pupils in Year 4. Pupils are asked to answer 25 questions on times tables from 2 to 12. They are given six seconds per question, with three seconds rest between each question, so the test should last less than five minutes.
Questions about the six, seven, eight, nine, and 12 times tables are likely to come up most often as these are the hardest for most children to learn. It’s a good idea to focus on these tricky times tables with your child.
Please encourage your child to log in on the TIMES TABLES ROCK STARS game and practise as much as possible.