St Mary's CofE Primary School
We love. We learn. We flourish.
Proverbs 22:6- Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Welcome to Nursery
Welcome to our Nursery at St Mary’s C of E Primary School. It is the beginning of an exciting and fun-filled year ahead. In Nursery we are very fortunate to have three members of staff:
Teacher – Miss C Sharkey
Teaching Assistants – Miss A Whittle and Miss E Vickers
We recognise that a child’s first impression of the world begins at home. Therefore it is important that both the Nursery and parents work together in a close partnership to support your children's learning and development.
If your child has positively achieved something at home, please let us know by sending in a photograph on Dojo or emailing the
In Nursery we cover a variety of topics.
Our topics this year are:
* Autumn 1 - All About Me
* Autumn 2 - Christmas
* Spring 1 - People Who Help Us
* Spring 2 - Fairy Stories
* Summer 1 - Minibeasts and Growth
* Summer 2 - Transport/Summer holidays